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‘Xagħra Is Already Facing Issues With Overdevelopment’: Mayor Reiterates Position On Proposed Ġgantija Block

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Xagħra Mayor Christian Zammit has stressed that the town is already facing massive issues due to overdevelopment, and this will only get worse if certain plans are approved.

The quaint town of Xagħra in Gozo, which also hosts the historical temples of Ġgantija, has been at the centre of overdevelopment over the last few years.

The local council has been fighting tooth and nail against a planning application for a new sizeable block of flats, which would lie less than 200 metres away from the temples. 

Situated along Triq il-Parsott, the application plans to develop around 31 apartments across four floors with 20 garage spaces, with the top level being set back with a penthouse.

“Xagħra LC is still objecting to this project. In addition to all the objections listed in our letter, I wish also to emphasize the challenges Xagħra LC is facing due to overdevelopment,” Zammit told Lovin Malta.

These include, but are not limited to, parking issues, low electricity voltage in a whole neighbourhood, traffic congestion and a huge impact on the drainage system.

ADPD’s Sandra Gauci has also been an instrumental voice in the fight against this monstrous development, labelling it as another attempt at ruining what is left of Malta’s history.

“We are assisting at yet another attempt to ruin what is left of our history by putting greed over a world heritage showing yet again not to us as a country but to all the world the lack of appreciation we have of world heritage,” Gauci told Lovin Malta.

“Money and making money seems to be our only priority. Just look what happened in Manikata. Seems we don’t deserve the architecture and historical sites our forefathers left us,” she lamented. 

During the representations period, hundreds of objections were filed against the development, with the plans even making international headlines.

Do you think more needs to be done to combat overdevelopment in Malta and Gozo? 

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Sasha is a content creator, artist and podcast host interested in environmental matters, humans, and art. Some know her as Sasha tas-Sigar. Inspired by nature and the changing world. Follow her on Instagram at @saaxhaa

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