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‘Boost Their Quality Of Life’: Cancer Patients In Malta Can Now Access Safe Beauty Treatment

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A group of local beauty therapists has now made it possible for cancer patients to safely access beauty and self-care treatments.

”Not all beauty treatments are safe for cancer patients, and typically a cancer patient may be advised by doctors and oncologists to stop all such treatments while they are undergoing chemotherapy, for example,” explained Ingrid Coleiro at Makiba Essence, a distributor of skin care products in Malta.

While cancer patients are going through some of the hardest moments of their lives “they also face having to stop self-care treatments – something that might otherwise boost their quality of life when they need it most”.

Through a new Oncology Aesthetics online course, qualified beauty therapists can now be equipped with knowledge and skill on different types of cancer, treatments, and side effects. Plus, learn how to modify beauty treatments in accordance with each patient!

Led by Oncology Training International Inc, the course is an advanced certification training programme for any spa and beauty professionals, which was made available in Malta, through Makiba Essence.

”The idea of cancer patients being excluded from spa treatments due to
contra-indications did not sit well with us. We wanted to be able to provide care to all individuals and offer a safe, comfortable, and nurturing environment for cancer patients,” Karin Fenech, one of the first of the ten aestheticians in Malta to qualify locally, expressed.

Five of the ten, attended the Boost Your Business Conference, in Dublin, last March, so as to celebrate their completion of the course – joining Fenech were Arthea Briffa, Antonella Calleja, Sonya Vanessa Gauci, and Marquita Grixti.

”By acquiring the necessary training and expertise, therapists can make a significant impact on the quality of life of their clients and expand their career opportunities in the beauty and wellness industry. Knowing that I can make a positive difference in someone’s life during a challenging time is incredibly gratifying and I feel privileged to have had this opportunity,” Fenech concluded.

Find out more about the Oncology Aesthetics online course, by emailing Ingrid Coleiro at [email protected] or visiting their Facebook page here.

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Kira is an open-minded person who loves anything creative and anything… words. A theatre kid at heart, with a passion for film, activism, and literature. Contact her on Instagram via @kira_markss or email her on [email protected]

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