‘Check Your Facts’: Malta Women Lobby Calls Out Life Network Foundation For Criticising Free Contraception Proposal

The Malta Women Lobby called out Life Network Foundation for saying that giving out free contraceptives would not solve sexual health issues, as these claims are “unscientific and harmful”.
The pro-life and Catholic Life Network Foundation criticised a PN proposal to offer free contraception and morning-after pills, saying that it was in contradiction with the party’s values.
It said that the plan, which is part of the PN’s sexual health strategy, would not solve sexual health issues. “Giving out free contraceptives as if they are some sort of sweets will not decrease sexually transmitted disease nor unplanned pregnancies,” the foundation said on Friday.
But this information isn’t factual at all, according to the Malta Women Lobby. “The foundation should check its facts before issuing statements about the use of contraceptives and the morning after pill”, it said.
“Their claims are unscientific and harmful,” the lobby continued. “These deliberately misleading claims are not helpful in any way and will simply contribute to Malta’s already high rate of teenage pregnancies and rising STDs.”
“What the Life Network Foundation is propagating is disinformation,” the lobby continued. “Access to free contraceptives and the morning-after pill are essential for women in a society that truly believes in equality between women and men.”
The Life Network Foundation had argued that it would be better to teach young people about self-respect and the effect alcohol and drugs have on clarity of mind in their sexual encounters, dismissing the importance of contraception and practicing safe sex.
Do you think free contraception will improve sexual health in Malta?