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WATCH: Maltese Youths Parkour The Fuck Out Of The Local Countryside

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Malta may have a problem with overdevelopment, but this group of young Maltese stuntmen have taken advantage of the little bit of countryside we do have left and filmed an impressive video reel showcasing their parkour and free-running talents.

Maltese Motion, an ‘urban gymnastics’ group that has been active since 2012, shot Freaks of Nature as a way to show off their talents, as well as some of Malta’s prettier sides. The result is pretty impressive.

Air Time

For those who don’t know, parkour is practice of moving logically and creatively through a (typically urban) setting to get from a start point to an end point as quickly as possible. This involves physically overcoming barriers on any given route, creating inventive and cool but practical ways to travel from one point to another.


Maltese Motion have over 25 videos on their channel, and their work ranges from awesome compilations that’ll make you fear for their safety, to fun, blockbuster-trailer style clips.

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