Malta Pride Breaks Down Whether LGBTQI+ People Have More Rights Than Cis-Straight People

When the LGBTI+ community opened an office in Gozo, people didn’t hold back from saying “LGBTIQ people have more rights than us” or asking “what about a straight office?”
Malta Pride is happy to answer their question: no, LGBTIQ+ do not have more rights than straight people.
Over 70 countries around the world still consider homosexuality an illegal crime. People everywhere are being threatened, violently attacked and harassed for their gender identity or sexual orientation.
Trans people are twice more likely than cis people to be victims of crime.
Even in Malta, a country known for its tolerant gay rights, a homophobic attack took place just this summer.
“This community has to constantly fight for its right to be recognised as an equal member of society like its cis-heterosexual counterpart,” Malta Pride wrote.
LGBTIQ+ people still experience shame and discrimination in all spheres. Some of them are mistreated or even kicked out of the family home and mistreated.
“Before you say we enjoy more rights, ask yourself why we have to fight our way to become equal members of society. After all, we may be fighting for someone in your family to be recognised as well.”
In reality, society is so much more diverse than we see. Pride remains necessary for the community to “undo some of the shame poured onto them for being different”.
What those commenters perceive is privilege is merely the visibility of LGBTIQ+ people being their true selves and striving to become equal members of society.
Did you know there is a new LGBTIQ+ office in Gozo?