6 Tips To Having A Fun (And Safe) Night Out In Paceville

Whilst most of the time it can be a great, fun, and exciting place to hang out and meet new people, Paceville is definitely not without its troublesome moments.
With some very distressing (and unfortunately frequent) news recently coming out of Malta’s entertainment hub, we thought we’d make a short list of ways to stay safe in the area. Because having fun should never come at any cost.
1. The Police are there for a reason
Yes, a lot of stereotypes abound that suggest what the public’s opinion on policemen and what they do in Paceville is (or lack thereof). But regardless, they are there to protect and serve, and they have enough (man)power to help.
See something that ain’t fly? Holler at your boys in blue.

2. Stay with friends
Well, why wouldn’t you anyway?
You go out with friends and get the party going with them. Might as well stick next to them in the clubs and bars.
Seriously though, should anything happen, your friends will always be there to help. In the same way you’re there to help them, after all.

3. Stay in your senses
Yeah, you can go out and party your sweet ass off, have a great time, and even a couple of drinks too.
We’re only telling you to be mindful of the people around you. Nobody likes getting trampled on or barged into. Respect is the name of the game.

4. Don’t take something if you don’t know what it is
This should be a pretty obvious one.
If something you took is not going down well, look for a way to help yourself immediately. Alert your friends, or even better, an authority figure.

5. Drive sober
The worst compulsion on the island; driving drunk.
Is it really worth risking your own life, and those with you? You’re drunk, tired, and your reflexes are slower. Get into a taxi, you’ll thank yourself later.
Let’s stop this crazy (and literally illegal) obsession.

6. Do not cause arguments
Yes, some people enjoy the worst side of going out; causing fights and having arguments. Don’t be those people.
Try to not give people a reason to have an argument with you, and if someone keeps bugging you, you can always walk away. After, all you’re there to have a good time, not argue with some cretin.