7 Reasons Why Teaching In Malta Is The Best Job Ever

Some might say that the teaching profession is in a crisis, both in Malta and internationally, with some choosing to leave the profession and others not even considering joining in the first place.
Here are seven reasons why you should ignore all the fuss and remember why teaching is by fact the best job out there.
1. The hours are a dream
Sure, teachers are instantly on their feet giving lessons by 8.30am (or even earlier), spending a full 6-7 hours working with children or teens, only to go home and continue for another 2-3 hours, but who’s counting that?
Teachers get home by 3.30pm, giving them a whole afternoon off to unwind and binge-watch their favourite Netflix series. Sure…

2. It’s perfect if you hate sitting down for long hours
Teachers do spend quite a lot of time sitting in the staffroom discussing which flavour of tea they should try next, but apart from that, they really don’t sit down much.
In fact, when they are in class, they won’t even get to touch their chair. Unless of course they’re playing the I’m-going-to-sit-here-until-you-stop-talking game. The rest of the time they get to keep their circulatory system in action as they hover around desks, trip over school bags and swoop down onto students passing notes.
The moment they do decide to ease into the teacher’s chair, someone’s bound to throw something across the room, and the process of keeping students focussed has to start again.

3. It keeps you young
Why spend time with mature adults who are able to control their words and actions when instead you can spend the day with kids who haven’t quite learnt what boundaries are, have conversations with each other across the room and think it’s appropriate to dab at every opportunity?
I mean, who wouldn’t want that 24/7?!

4. It’s inspirational… and inspiring
Most of us will never get a chance to inspire anyone, but teachers get to inspire and be inspired Every. Single. Day.
Whether it’s Shazalayiannemarie’s essay on the day her dog fell into a hole or Grundig’s new skill of burping whole words, there’s never a dull moment.

5. You get to reflect on your own work
Teachers get to stress out over external visits (which are always a surprise, yay!), they have the pleasure of feeling guilty if a student doesn’t grasp a concept, and they get to go over the same lesson in their heads over and over again, wondering where and how it could be improved. Sometimes it even keeps them up at night which allows them to enjoy the soft shimmering moonlight and the way the world goes quiet at 3am – bliss!

6. You’ll definitely tone your muscles
Teachers certainly have some of the strongest muscles out there, if of course we’re talking about sphincter muscles.
That’s right, teachers are able to push one of the most basic and urgent needs all the way to the back of their mind and deliver a day’s worth of lessons without once stopping for a little potty break. If a teacher were to leave a class in order to rush to the bathroom, something would definitely end up happening in exactly those two minutes.

7. The holidays
By far the best thing about teaching. Forget the fact that you can only take 27.5 hours of leave (pending approval) during the school year; there are so many holidays!
Between spending Christmas holidays trying to catch up with all the work you couldn’t get done during test season and spending ten weeks in summer trying to review your plans and resources while updating yourself on the latest curriculum changes and working on new ideas to make your lessons more ‘student-centered’ (or whatever buzzword is in vogue at the time), teachers get just too many holidays.