8 ScAnDaLoUs Outfits From This Year’s Lost And Found Festival

Were you even on Facebook this weekend if you didn’t see at least a couple of photos posted of half-naked men and scantily clad women walking and partying around the streets of Malta?
Islanders on social media drew a collective sharp breath in the last couple of days as scores of international attendees (mostly from the UK) descended on Malta for the annual mega-festival-rave that is Lost & Found. And while most of the people commenting were absolutely shocked and scandalised, very few stopped to consider that maybe, a festival on a sunny island just a month before summer kicks off is bound to attract youthful revellers who are willing to go that extra step when it comes to dressing up… or down.
As if it hasn’t already been five years of this and we’re only just beginning to realise that a festival of this kind and magnitude is bound to have some very powerful looks, here are nine absolutely scandalous outfits from the #LostAndFound Instagram hashtag that we’re lowkey living for.
1. +150 Nautical Theme Points
It’s a festival on a small island full of beaches, with half the venues being either by the pool or on a boat. So why not go full Supreme Mother of Starfish?

Photo by Kimberley Nightingale
2. Animal prints and checkerboards are forever
If you’re only going to wear a very small amount of clothing, why not make sure it’s an evergreen style?

Photos by Becky Kirby
3. Fluorescent green and crotchless pants is a look and a half
There’s evergreen, then there’s the brightest green on the planet.
For when you’re not ready to go out in a swimsuit, but you still want your nether regions to be breezy.

Photos by Chlöe Skeet
4. Speaking of airy and bright green…
She is one with the meshy Matrix now.

Photo by Victoria Ducie
5. The 90s are back with a bang
Flames, bright dreads, spaghetti straps, snakeskin… it’s 1999 all over again and we’re here for it.

Photos by Christelle Armstrong
6. How high can you go?
Little known fact: when you’re planning on showing off some skin, down is not the only direction you can go.

Photo by Kimberley Nightingale
7. Absolutely pulling off that #IGotAttackedByAnAnimalWithMassiveClaws look
I would definitely not be able to look good in that outfit, so work it girl!

Photo by Chantelle Darkings
8. Now this is a lewk
From that flawless wig to that ‘Bride to be’ necklace, this one’s a guaranteed winner.

Photos by Loren Charlton
BONUS: The “Fuck it, I’ll just kind of cover my genitals” look