Mġarr Band Club Is Next To Ban Plastic Balloons From Village Feast
The Soċjetà Filarmonika Marija Mtellgħa s-Sema band club of Mġarr has announced that it won’t release balloons during this year’s village feast so as to raise awareness about plastic pollution.
“We will join other band clubs in not using plastic balloons during our celebrations, replacing them with cloth flags instead,” the band club said. “This is a small contribution which sends a strong pro-environment message.”
Band clubs in Qormi, Luqa and Siġġgiewi have this summer all announced shifts away from the festa tradition of using plastic balloons.
Environmental activist Cami Appelgren is fronting this initiative.
“It might be a small step indeed but what if ALL band clubs did this?” she said yesterday. “Do you all realize that a small step which multiplies becomes a movement and the movement will lead into big changes?” she said. “Never underestimate your actions, small or big. Now, which band club is next?”