WATCH: This Parrot Arguing In Maltese Is The Only Video You Need To See Today

A lot of Maltese people love taking their pets to the beach, to enjoy a swim or a lie in the sun with their owners. But one Maltese man’s time at the beach with his pet parrot is spent in the most Maltese way possible.
They argue with each other. A whole lot.
Posting the clip on the popular pets Facebook group ‘RUBS Puppy Love‘, the pair soon garnered a lot of attention.

Shaun Coppola and his pet parrot were casually chilling at the beach before the parrot spots something in the distance, and says “ara” to which Shaun asks “kif jagħmel id-daddy?”
The parrot responds with a variety of answers, including “ejja, għidtlek ejja”, “ħaqq għal madoff” and eventually gets mad and threatens Shaun with a “xeba”.
Hearing a parrot say “ħaqq għal maddof” while chilling in front of the beautiful azure Maltese sea should be mandatory viewing for all Maltese schoolchildren, so they really understand what this great nation is all about.
The conversation heats up quickly:
“ejja l’hawn” says Shaun
“ejja bro” says the parrot
“ejja l’hawn” repeats Shaun
“ejja int” responds the parrot

Soon, the tone changes, and the parrot looks like he is about to throw a sharp wing or two. Shaun responds with an “ara ma tirrabjax”, but the parrot isn’t having it and keeps talking smack to his owner.
Shaun eventually has enough, and tells him “ara ejja l’hawn għidtlek – xeba”, and as soon as the threat leaves Shaun’s mouth, the parrot changes tone completely, hilariously shouting “ajma ajma ajma ajma” in a whimpering tone, causing even Shaun to laugh.

Shaun then calls the parrot “pastaż”, which the parrot won’t stand for, threatening him with his own “xeba xeba xeba xeba”.
The video ends with the parrot giving a loud squawk before ending with a shout-out to his boy “Niko”.