Vote Now For Six Maltese Songs To Make It To The EU Songbook

What do football matches, wild drunk nights out, and the national anthem all have in common?
Epic chanting.
Nothing brings people closer together than belting out the words to a song in true Mariah-Carey-style and a Danish NGO have figured this out as they bring to us; the EU Songbook.
Maltese nationals will have today until the December 23rd to vote for the six Maltese songs that will represent Malta in the first EU Songbook. So far 35,000 people in 19 EU member states have voted, and now it’s our turn.
What is the EU Songbook?
Typically, the most we get to know about the EU is about travel opportunities or cheaper communication with other EU members. But there’s more to the bloc than that.
And that’s what the point of the EU Songbook is. When three Danes and Italian started it up, their intention was for European to be able to share more than just goods with one another; but to share language, culture, and ideas.
Through song, of course.

Malta is the 20th country to include its songs in the EU Songbook
How does this work?
Basically, 48 songs by Maltese music students and teachers from The School of Performing Arts, University of Malta have been nominated. They’ve been divided into a six categories, which are: love songs – nature & seasons – freedom & peace – folk songs – songs of faith – children songs.
Dr. Albert Pace, editor of the Malta Songbook has shown his enthusiasm for the project, commenting that “it is a fascinating idea to have these songs shared with other fellow citizens of the European Union.”
And here are the songs that Dr Pace, along with many others, have chosen to include to represent Malta in our Songbook.

The songs in the book will be available first in the national language that they were submitted, and then also in English translations.
What’s more, the Songbook receives no funding from the European Commission. That means that it’s not centralised in Brussels or Strasbourg, but belongs to the entire European space.