Meet The Adorable Maltese Dog Family That’s Been Viewed Over 450,000 Times

It’s a well known fact that dogs of all shapes and sizes have complete dominance over a substantial part of the internet, but nowhere is this more evident than with the Shiba Inu breed. The “Wow Doge” meme took the online world by storm more than five years ago, but it doesn’t seem like it’s going anywhere yet. Especially now that a family of Maltese Shiba Inus is set to take the world by storm.
These are Shiro and Suki
Yes, we know, absolutely fucking adorable.
These two beauts have their own Facebook page which keeps gaining a lot of traction, and with cute photos like those, we can’t say we’re the least bit surprised.
But wait; it gets heartbreakingly better. Shiro and Suki recently welcomed two puppies into the household, and you guessed it; they’re really just too much.
Meet “the potatoes”
Can you even? Because we definitely can’t even.
The Facebook page now has dozens of photos and videos of the dog family, and the Potatoes (we can’t get over how cute that name is) are definitely helping to push their popularity.
Their videos regularly get upwards of 50K views, and have now also started featuring on popular international Facebook pages like Infinite doggo memes. One of the more recent videos got meme-fied and featured on the page for Father’s Day, and has gathered nearly 200K videos in just over a week.
And if that wasn’t enough for your daily dose of cuteness, check out Potato playing with “Daddy Doggo” and this insane (and absolutely accidental) stunt move by one of the babies, two videos which have totalled 155k views (and thousands of shares) in just a couple of days.
“The parents are just over two years old and their potatoes just turned seven weeks,” said their loving owner Oliver Tabone. “I got both of them from Sicily and they come from a family of competition-winning showdogs.”