Gozo Sports And Aquatic Complex Enters Construction Phase With Project Deadline Set For 2021
The highly-anticipated, and long-awaited, Gozo Aquatic and Sports Complex is well on its way to becoming a reality with the project now entering its construction phase.
The €9 million complex project set in motion last October with the commencement of demolitions, excavations and the reinforcement of the site’s foundation.
Now, photos have emerged of the progress made so far with Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri announcing the construction phase is set to begin.
“The process of demolition, excavation and reinforcement of the foundation and the surrounding area is almost complete.”
“Now we are about to start the construction phase of the first Aquatic and Sports Centre on our island!” he said.
Over 20 years in the making, Gozo will finally have its very first sports complex fit with an Olympic-size swimming pool and a large number of sports facilities including a squash court, a basketball court, volleyball court, gym, multipurpose rooms and Olympic lanes.
The never-ending quest for a regional pool in Gozo took a major leap earlier last year with a tender for its construction finally being approved.
Prior to this development, and still to this day, Gozitan swimmers and athletes would oftentimes have to travel to Malta to practice their sport – especially during the winter season.
Some even had to abandon their sport because it was too much of a commitment, claiming to be treated as “second-class citizens”.
The complex is expected to be completed some time this year, though no definite date has been set yet.
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