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Nate Had ‘Nothing To Do’ With Domestic Violence – Former Miss Universe Malta Clears The Record

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TW: This article discusses a case of domestic violence

Jade Cini, a former Miss Universe Malta has rejected a rumour that Nate, her ex-boyfriend and a current Love Island Malta contestant was her aggressor in a domestic violence case – to ensure that people know he had nothing to do with that situation.

“I did not start this, but I will be the one to put an end to it, because my name is being dragged along this matter,” Cini wrote on social media.

She was referring to an Instagram story which had been going viral – which falsely alleged that there was a connection between her case and Nate.

My story of domestic violence is all TRUE and has been settled by the Maltese Courts, however I NEVER stated who the aggressor was and never will,” she continued. 

“I never mentioned any names because I believe people make mistakes, they grow and learn from them and their past shouldn’t haunt them.”

Jade has spoken about and moved through that part of her life – and moved on, as has Nate.

Cases of domestic violence are not always simple, and control over how they are told and who they are told by should ultimately be those immediately affected. 

This is particularly true because those affected should not have to face trauma by losing control of their narrative – which can already be a difficult task – and the spreading of false rumours can victimise multiple parties by sullying their names.

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Pawlu is a journalist interested in Race, Environmental Issues, Music, Migration and Skate Culture. Pawlu loves to swim everyday and believes that cars are an inadequate solution to our earthly woes. You can get in touch at [email protected]

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