Maltese Men: For The Love Of God Please Take Care Of Yourselves

Everyone likes to feel good, and even though everyone has their own level of comfort when it comes to making an effort, we have been seeing a substantial amount of men in Malta who really seem to hate taking care of themselves.
We do not want you to spend a fortune on looking good, we just want you to take care of yourselves.
Here’s a list of things you should do to keep yourself from looking like an uncivilised homunculus.
1. Love your skin
We are not asking you to get a full-on face care regime, but a bit of face cleanser in the morning goes a long way in keeping your skin clear from any breakouts.
2. Take care of your hair
No, we will not go on a full-on Dear Barbers rant again, but hair care is important — a good shampoo and conditioner can really help in the upkeep of your hair.
Keeping your hair strong and healthy reduces hair loss and will also give you softer hair. And trust us; everyone loves softer hair. You’re welcome.
3. Be clean
It is often looked over, but having clean clothes and a clean overall body/hair/face really helps in feeling more confident about yourself.
It will also get you a little bit more attention from whoever you’re trying to impress, so there.
4. … Dress better, maybe?
What you wear gives the first impression. Not your smile, not how smart you are and not even how cool your beard looks.
Yes, it’s sad (trust us, we know). But giving a good first impression will help improve your life; nobody likes sloppy people.
5. Look at the details
Paying attention to how you look and what you wear will give you a new instinct which all women seem to have — an attention to detail. Put some effort in yourself, for God’s sake it will only make you feel better anyway.
6. Rip off the unwanted hairs
Ear hair, nose hair, monobrow hair, nose hair, whatevhair. Some of it looks unkempt AF and keeping yourself groomed will make you look less like a caveman.
7. Leave it for the gym
If you usually wear it for the gym, leave it for the gym. Try to make a distinction between ‘workout clothes’ and ‘not workout clothes’.
If it’s gym clothes, chances are that it should be left for the gym, do not wear it as everyday clothing.
8. For fuck’s sake, trim your nails
And keep them clean too. They look terrible.
9. Don’t invade our nostrils with a mix of all the perfumes in the world
You are not a Sheikh, and you are not a fragrance merchant.
Stop overwhelming our nostrils with your excessive use of cologne.
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