WATCH: A Nutcase Year In A Nutshell! Lovin Malta’s Latest TikTok Series Summarises 2020 In Seconds
Six hundred and seventy nine thousand weeks ago, 2020 started. Now that it’s over, we’re looking back at the absolute shitshow it’s been… in the shortest way possible.
Lovin Malta’s 2020 In A Nutshell promises to do just that; summarise the bad, the worse and the ugly of the last year in bite-size TikToks, month by month.
So without further ado, here’s what happened this year. You’re welcome. Or we’re sorry.
1. January
Ah, the Before Times. When “coronavirus” was a weird word thousands of kilometres away, and we were still very much in party mode.
@lovinmaltaofficial2020 WAS A RIDE 🥵 Stay tuned for new episodes daily 🗓️ ##fyp ##fypmalta ##malta ##maltin ##tiktok ##2020 ##yearsummary♬ original sound – Lovin Malta
2. February
Little known (or discussed) fact: Valentine’s was pretty much the last “normal” holiday we got in 2020.
But beyond the love letters and romantic dinners, February also held the inevitable – this invisible virus wasn’t going anywhere.
@lovinmaltaofficialFEBRUARY 🧻 Stay tuned for new episodes daily 🗓️ ##fyp ##fypmalta ##malta ##maltin ##tiktok ##2020 ##yearsummary♬ original sound – Lovin Malta
3. March
If Malta’s 2020 was full of shit, March was the overflowing toilet it all came from.
The first week of the month ended with the island’s first cases of COVID-19… and from then on, there was no turning back.
@lovinmaltaofficialMARCH 😫 Stay tuned for new episodes daily 🗓️ ##fyp ##fypmalta ##malta ##maltin ##tiktok ##2020 ##yearsummary♬ original sound – Lovin Malta
4. April
One month of lockdown later, we were all living in our own little dystopian, post-apocalyptic film… whether we wanted to or not.
@lovinmaltaofficialAPRIL 🕯️ Stay tuned for new episodes daily 🗓️ ##fyp ##fypmalta ##malta ##maltin ##tiktok ##2020 ##yearsummary♬ original sound – Lovin Malta
5. May
With the weather getting warmer and the propoganda flowing hotter, it was time for one of the biggest quotables of the year; Prime Minister Robert Abela dismissing a second wave of the virus by expertly claiming that waves are actually found in the sea. Genius.
@lovinmaltaofficialMAY 🌊 Stay tuned for new episodes daily 🗓️ ##fyp ##fypmalta ##malta ##maltin ##tiktok ##2020 ##yearsummary♬ original sound – Lovin Malta
6. June
With cases continuing to decrease and very swift reopenings on the horizon, it was time for our second biggest quote to come out of the government, this time courtesy of Health Minister Chris Fearne, who announced that Malta had “won the war”.
What’s next, everyone asked? “Winning the war against peace”, of course.
@lovinmaltaofficialJUNE 🎇 Stay tuned for new episodes daily 🗓️ ##fyp ##fypmalta ##malta ##maltin ##tiktok ##2020 ##yearsummary♬ original sound – Lovin Malta
7. July
Ah July, the month which must not be named.
Because of the event which must not be named.
Which kicked off the bigger wave which many were shamed into not talking about.
Good times.
@lovinmaltaofficialJULY 🏊♂️🤭 Stay tuned for new episodes daily 🗓️ ##fyp ##fypmalta ##malta ##maltin ##tiktok ##2020 ##yearsummary♬ original sound – Lovin Malta
8. August
New cases, new cases everywhere.
Difficult to ignore, impossible to deny.
@lovinmaltaofficialAUGUST 🥊 Stay tuned for new episodes daily 🗓️ ##fyp ##fypmalta ##malta ##maltin ##tiktok ##2020 ##yearsummary♬ original sound – Lovin Malta
9. September
With parents desperate for a semblance of normality (and probably a bit of quiet in the house, tbh), schools reopened by the end of September.
But while some were eager for our educational institutions to kick off again in the midst of a global pandemic, others were more cautious. Some, even more than that.
@lovinmaltaofficialSEPTEMBER 🚸 😷 Stay tuned for new episodes daily 🗓️ ##fyp ##fypmalta ##malta ##maltin ##tiktok ##2020 ##yearsummary♬ original sound – Lovin Malta
10. October
Back in the first half of 2020, we thought 350 active cases would be the absolute maximum Malta would hit.
By the first half of October, we hit 1,000 cases.
A couple of weeks later, we were flirting with 2,000.
@lovinmaltaofficialOCTOBER 🎢😬 Stay tuned for new episodes daily 🗓️ ##fyp ##fypmalta ##malta ##maltin ##tiktok ##2020 ##yearsummary♬ original sound – Lovin Malta
11. November
Sure, we still couldn’t go out clubbing, and we technically still had to order a packet of crisps to be able to down those 25 Jack Cokes with the lads. But with the end of 2020 on the horizon and a number of vaccine candidates all reporting efficiency rates of over 90%, there was a certain sense of relaxation in the air.
And it all got a whole lot of help by Black Friday, the release of the iPhone 12 and the PlayStation 5, Christmas shopping, and a nationwide booking effort of farmhouses in Gozo just in time for New Year’s Eve.
#Normalita’ #Serenita’ #Pożittivita’
@lovinmaltaofficialNOVEMBER 🎇😌 Stay tuned for new episodes daily 🗓️ ##fyp ##fypmalta ##malta ##maltin ##tiktok ##2020 ##yearsummary♬ original sound – Lovin Malta
12. December
It all came down to this.
With only four days to go until the end of the year, Malta joined the rest of Europe in a continent-wide vaccination effort… and while many still (rightly so) exercised the necessary caution, others were planning on ending the year the same they started it – party mode kink!
@lovinmaltaofficialDECEMBER 💉 Stay tuned for new episodes daily 🗓️ ##fyp ##fypmalta ##malta ##maltin ##tiktok ##2020 ##yearsummary♬ original sound – Lovin Malta