WATCH: Brace(let) Yourselves: Teleshopping Once Again Proves To Be A Maltese Viral Video Goldmine
Viral videos are an international treasure and have been for well over a decade now. Whether it’s Charlie biting someone’s finger in the early YouTube days or Daniel’s white Vans, you never know what’ll set the internet off. But occasionally, we get some quality meme material a little bit closer to home, and it’s just lovely when we do.
Good ol’ Smash TV has been giving us a smashin’ good time with a lovely little teleshopping clip that’s been doing the rounds on social media. This piece of absolute quality content begins with our scintillating saleswoman teaching us how to STYLE. Malta’s own answer to Gok Wan tells us that we can choose to either wear a watch, or adorn ourselves with the three beaded bracelets (which can be worn together of course – that’s how we know they’re top quality stuff).
To demonstrate the beauty of the beads, she slips on the bracelets, first the black, then the blue, then – the magic moment.
As the red one reaches her thumb, the elastic bursts, scattering beads all over the table. She lets slip a delightfully Maltese-sounding “Illostrina!”, which is definitely the video’s defining magic moment and most quotable point.
She recovers well though, scooping up all (but one) of the visible beads in a matter of seconds, then shows her wrist, emblazoned by the other two pieces to the camera, proudly declaring “look how cute they are”, before adding, quite unfazed, “you’ll have the red one too”.
Honestly, who needs Game of Thrones? The video has already racked up 64k views in a couple of days and 558 shares with just a 23 second clip, so we can only imagine the internet explosion that’d happen if we stuck a whole episode online.