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A Giant Water-Covered Pothole Near Siġġiewi’s Ta’ Kandja Keeps Destroying Tyres

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A deep pothole in a backroad of Siġġiewi’s Ta’ Kandja area is leaving vehicles punctured and even stranded.

“Last night, while driving back home, I hit a massive, completely submerged crater near Ta’ Kandja that was so bad, it instantly tore my front left tyre and is still giving me back pain over 12 hours later,” David Grech Urpani, who is Lovin Malta’s Digital Editor, recounted today.

Explaining that he thought the impact had been so severe since he drove a smaller Smart car, he quickly found out that several people had suffered similar damage due to the same crater-like pothole when speaking to a tow truck driver the next day.

“The recovery truck driver smiled knowingly and asked whether I had hit ‘that insane hole near Ta’ Kandja’, because apparently, as the sun was still rising and during a spell of heavy morning rain, he had done the same. ‘It was so bad, my whole truck shook,’ he said. Some minutes later, as we were about to leave, we realised that even the truck had suffered a puncture in the front left tyre because of the exact same pothole,” Grech Urpani said.

“One recovery truck recovery truck later, we drove past the hole, seeing a small van hit it and instantly get another puncture.”

“Eventually, we arrived at the mechanic’s… only to find two SUVs that had to change their tyres because of the exact same pothole.”

“One woman who was waiting told me she saw another four cars stopped by the side of the road with punctures or torn tyres. She even saw one man ending up driving on his rims as he struggled to stop to the side of the busy and narrowing road,” he continued.

Someone decided the situation was so bad they placed their own “DIY marker” in front of the hole as a warning to other drivers… but it seems there were other victims as well.

“I passed by it last Sunday too. Two cars had stopped because of punctures. It’s been there for at least a week,” said another driver.

While some pointed out that the Local Council could be held financially responsible for the damage if the appropriate photos were taken, others lamented the fact that the road has been experiencing roadworks for around a year now – yet still featured such perilous issues.

“I got a blessed puncture because of it just yesterday evening, thank God there was a kind man that helped me change the tyre,” said another online commentator. “He told me there were plenty other drivers who ended up in the same situation! Actually, he said he was going to get some tarmac himself and just fix it as he’s tired of seeing so many people stopping there.”

Have you been impacted by this giant pothole?

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Johnathan is an award-winning Maltese journalist interested in social justice, politics, minority issues, music and food. Follow him at @supreofficialmt on Instagram, and send him news, food and music stories at [email protected]

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