Alicia Bugeja Said And Rebecca Buttigieg Become Parliamentary Secretaries For Fisheries And Reforms

Alicia Bugeja Said has been appointed Parliamentary Secretary for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Animal Rights within the Agriculture Ministry while Rebecca Buttigieg has been appointed Parliamentary Secretary for Reforms and Equality within the Home Affairs Ministry.
Bugeja Said has significant experience in the fishing sector. She has a PhD in Biodiversity Management and Human Ecology at the School of Anthropology and Conservation at the University of Kent where she studied the implications of marine policy initiatives on the sustainability of Malta’s small-scale fishermen.
She then became a post-doctoral fellow with Too Big To Ignore, a global research network which studies the sustainability and viability of small-scale fisheries.
Bugeja Said returned to Malta in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, where she was appointed Director of Fisheries within the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, a position she had to drop after deciding to contest the election.
Lovin Malta interviewed Bugeja Said during the election campaign and you can follow it again below.
Buttigieg has experience working with Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri, having spent the past few years working as his communications coordinator.
As Parliamentary Secretary for Reforms, she is expected to handle the IVF reform, which Prime Minister Robert Abela pledged to launch within the first 100 days of his government.
Lovin Malta interviewed Buttigieg during the election campaign and you can follow it again below.
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