Bernard Grech Files Motion Calling For Public Inquiry Into JeanPaul Sofia’s Death As He ‘Promised’ Parents

Opposition Leader Bernard Grech has filed a parliamentary motion for a public inquiry to be held over the death of 20-year-old JeanPaul Sofia.
Grech said this inquiry should lead to justice being served and “the full truth” being known.
“We don’t want any more incidents like this to happen.”
Noting he had promised the parents of JeanPaul Sofia to undertake this motion, Grech said it was “not acceptable that Robert Abela’s stubbornness continues to deny the full truth to the parents”.
Grech urged that the motion be moved to a vote “as soon as possible”.
Calls for a public inquiry have increased in recent days, and though Abela has urged the magistrate currently investigate Sofia’s death, his mother, Isabelle Bonnici, said the Prime Minister has his priorities wrong.
“Thank you for speaking about magisterial inquiry delays but we know how much work they have on their plate,” Isabelle Bonnici wrote on social media under one of Abela’s posts.
“I know that competent people are working on my son’s case and they need time.”
Bonnici reiterated her longstanding call for a public inquiry into the circumstances surrounding her son’s death at a Kordin construction site last December.
“A public inquiry will have an established timeframe and three magistrates, and will investigate avenues where a magisterial inquiry cannot.”
“I want full justice, transparency and reform, not empty words as we saw after the Miriam Pace tragedy.”
Do you think a public inquiry should be called over JeanPaul Sofia’s death?