Breaking: Here’s The Full List Of Robert Abela’s New Cabinet After Election

Here’s The Full List Of Robert Abela’s New Cabinet After Election
Prime Minister Robert Abela has announced his first Cabinet of this new legislature.
The Cabinet is as follows:
Prime Minister: Robert Abela
Deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister: Chris Fearne
Minister for National Heritage, Arts and Local Governance: Owen Bonnici
Minister for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade: Ian Borg
Minister for Social Policy and Children’s Rights: Michael Falzon
Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Animal Rights: Anton Refalo
Minister for Social and Affordable Housing: Roderick Galdes
Minister for the Economy, EU Funds and Lands: Silvio Schembri
Minister for Inclusion, NGOs and Consumer Affairs: Julia Farrugia Portelli
Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects: Aaron Farrugia
Minister for Gozo: Clint Camilleri
Minister for Home Affairs, Security, Reforms and Equality: Byron Camilleri
Minister for Tourism: Clayton Bartolo
Minister for Environment, Energy and Enterprise: Miriam Dalli
Minister for Finance and Employment: Clyde Caruana
Minister for Education, Sports, Youths, Research and Innovation: Clifton Grima
Minister for Public Works and Planning: Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi
Minister for Justice: Jonathan Attard
Minister for Active Ageing: Jo Etienne Abela
Parliamentary Secretary for Social Dialogue within the OPM: Andy Ellul
Parliamentary Secretary for Local Governance within the Ministry for Heritage, Arts and Local Governance: Alison Zerafa Civelli
Parliamentary Secretary for EU funds within the Ministry for the Economy, EU Funds and Lands: Chris Bonnett
Parliamentary Secretary for Youths, Research and Innovation within the Ministry for Education, Sports, Youths, Research and Innovation: Keith Azzopardi Tanti
“As promised in the election campaign, the Prime Minister has chosen a Cabinet that includes a mixture of experience and new blood,” a government statement read.
“The Cabinet’s main goal will be to implement the electoral manifesto, which is based on the need to beautify Malta, provide equal opportunities and a better quality of life.”
The Prime Minister has granted Jo Etienne Abela, a surgeon, temporary permission to continue operating on his current patients who are getting ready for an operation, this is the interests of the patients.
Abela will consider expanding his Cabinet further once more women enter Parliament, and this in the interest of strengthening female representation within the executive.
What do you think of this Cabinet?