Chris Cardona Also Gave Money To Daphne’s Killers, Yorgen Fenech Reveals In Secret Tapes

Labour Party Deputy Leader Chris Cardona was passing money on to the men who carried out the assassination of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, main suspect Yorgen Fenech reveals in secret recordings.
In his secret recordings of Fenech, Theuma clearly says:
“Whoa! I didn’t know he was giving them money too!”
The previous phrase was inaudible, but Theuma said that Fenech had named Cardona. He also clarified that they were referring to Alfred and George Degiorgio, the two brothers charged with carrying out the murder.
Under questioning for lawyer Jason Azzopardi, Theuma insisted that he only knew of Cardona’s involvement through Fenech.
Azzopardi also raised questions over whether Cardona had allegedly been found with a revolver in his mouth and was taken to St James Hospital and entered through the back door.
Theuma said he never heard the claims.
With regards to Cardona, Theuma has detailed a financial relationship between Cardona and suspected triggerman Alfred Degiorgio before, suggesting he used middleman Tony ‘Il-Biglee’ Chetcuti to pass on payment.
More sensationally, Theuma said that Fenech claimed Cardona was so worried about the murder that he ended up hospitalised after an overdose on pills. Meanwhile, its also been claimed his relationship with Degiorgio included burner phones, family jobs, and a potential marijuana procurement license.
Cardona has cropped up in other places.
He was suddenly thrown in the spotlight again when it emerged that a letter detailing his involvement in the killing was revealed as having been sent to Fenech by then OPM Chief of Staff Keith Schembri via their mutual doctor.
He has vehemently denied the allegations made against him, saying the information was fed to Theuma as part of an “evil and malignant” plot to frame him for Caruana Galizia’s murder. He warned that his resignation as Deputy Party Leader would only make allegations more believable.
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