Delia Records Lowest Trust Rating Ever With Abela Surging To Get Highest Result Of Any Sitting Party Leader

Prime Minister Robert Abela has recorded the highest trust rating of any sitting party leader, with his opponent, PN Leader Adrian Delia scoring his worst-ever rating since taking over two years ago.
A MaltaToday survey puts Abela at 62.5% on the trust barometer, beating out Delia (13.5%) across all genders, localities, and ages.
Abela’s impressive performance comes following his baptism of fire as Malta’s Prime Minister with the resignations of Gozo Minister Justyne Caruana, Police Commissioner Lawrence Cutajar, and the reveal of Konrad Mizzi’s 80,000 euro consultancy and EU nomination placing him firmly under the microscope.
Worryingly for Delia, Abela is also winning over PN supporters, with 22.5% of PN voters putting their faith in Abela, just 10% less than Delia.
Abela’s decision to defend the Daphne Caruana Galizia protest site may have endeared him to voters, but questions must be asked how Delia and the PN have failed to capitalise in any way from the political crisis that has engulfed the country for more than two months.
In fact, the same survey shows that the PN have actually lost 6 percentage points over this period. Meanwhile, the Labour Party has surged, despite their former Prime Minister’s office being linked to the murder of a journalist, showing a majority in every area across the Maltese islands.
With Joseph Muscat falling by the wayside, could the survey results spell the beginning of the end for the embattled PN leader?