eCabs Launches Ambitious Plan To Go 100% Green By 2025

One of Malta’s favourite cab and mobility companies has just launched an ambitious project – running an entire fleet of green vehicles in Malta by 2025.
The electrification process has already begun, with the launch of a number of fully electric vehicles including models from KIA, Hyundai and Citroen that join the existing hybrid vehicles in the eCabs fleet.
The announcement was made by eCabs CEO Matthew Bezzina alongside Energy and Enterprise Minister Miriam Dalli.
“The project to electrify our whole fleet and install all the required infrastructure will mean a significant investment by eCabs, which does require equal commitment from Government to ensure that the infrastructure to support electric mobility be implemented. This support given to this vision is welcome and encouraging,” Bezzina said.
For her part, Dalli welcomed this investment as a “strong signal by the private sector” that wants to be part of the Government’s vision to decarbonise the economy by 2050. These targets are in line for European Union targets for the entire bloc to be carbon neutral by 2050.
“The private sector will find the Government on its side in its transition towards a more sustainable economy. My ministry, together with other government entities, is working hard on a holistic strategy that will help encourage the take up of zero and low-emission vehicles,” Dalli said.

Dalli explained that a further take up by the private sector will help Malta reach its targets.
“We can only reach our national targets if everyone is on-board. The Government is doing its part to encourage and facilitate the use of methods that are less harmful towards the environment, both financially and logistically,” she said.

Bezzina spoke of the serious challenges the island’s faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, but also recognised some of the positives learnt during this time.
“The restrictions during last year’s lockdown sent our industry into a spiral, but on a more positive note less traffic meant reduced air pollution and cleaner air for everyone. The country, although eerily deserted, was more liveable than it was for ages. This strengthened our resolve to cement our ongoing vision towards becoming even more sustainable and inspired our eCabs Greener Future initiative,” Bezzina said.
“We are seeking more sustainable and cleaner operations in everything we are doing, including the future development of our owned spaces as well as a sustainable framework which includes incentivising and supporting our partner drivers to follow in these footsteps,” he continued.
Concurrently and in support to this commitment, eCabs will also be launching a scheme to incentivise its partner drivers to invest in EVs or Hybrids including an improved financial model and other frameworks.
eCabs officially launched its Partner Drivers initiative late last year following the Public Service Garage reform concluded and launched by Government. The initiative offers self-employed drivers the opportunity to work for Malta’s leading home-grown mobility provider non-exclusively, essentially allowing drivers to increase their revenue stream possibilities.