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Father David Muscat Investigated At Police Depot Following Disparaging LGBT Comments

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The Mosta priest behind a number of hate-filled remarks against the gay community in Malta has been called into the police depot as police open an investigation into him.

Father David Muscat’s online comments compared being gay to things like being possessed by a demon or being schizophrenic, and came as the island tries to come to terms with the brutal public murder of Polish woman Paulina Dembska at the hands of Maltese national Abner Aquilina.

Muscat is well-known for his fundamentalist and conservative views; however, many people felt he had crossed the line with his most recent comments, implying that suspected rapist and murderer Aquilina was either gay or bisexual.

Since his comments were made public, Archbishop Charles Scicluna has publicly apologised for the priest, saying he was “shocked” when he saw what Muscat had said, and that a number of people who were hurt by the comments as well as their loved ones had reached out to him for a reaction.

It wasn’t only the Archbishop – Inclusion Minister Julia Farrugia Portelli had officially asked Police Commissioner Angelo Gafa to open an investigation into Muscat to see if he had broken any Hate Speech laws just last night. 

Do you think the priest should be criminally punished for his online comments?

READ NEXT: Malta's Insanity Plea And What It Could Mean For Paulina Dembska's Murderer

Johnathan is an award-winning Maltese journalist interested in social justice, politics, minority issues, music and food. Follow him at @supreofficialmt on Instagram, and send him news, food and music stories at [email protected]

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