Fortified With Vitamin D, Benna’s Newest Milk ‘Particularly Useful’ To Anyone Who Needs An Immunity Boost

Malta’s milk game has just been upgraded after Benna rolled out an entirely new product full of an important vitamin.
Malta Dairy Products, part of the KPH Group, launched a new product under their iconic brand Benna. The new milk is fortified with Vitamin D, and will be a permanent addition to the range of fresh milks Benna currently offers.
As Malta, and the world, continues to live with COVID-19 amidst an ongoing pandemic, the new milk is being promoted as particularly useful to anyone who may be stuck inside and not getting enough sunlight, a natural source of Vitamin D.
“This new Vitamin D-fortified Benna fresh milk is a welcome addition to local fresh milk products,” Suzanne Piscopo, University of Malta Professor and established nutritionist, said upon the milk’s launch.
“It will help individuals and families ensure they are consuming enough vitamin D from their diet and not rely solely on the sun as their source of this Vitamin,” she continued. “This new Benna milk can be particularly useful for those who spend little time outdoors exposed to the sun; and maybe even more so nowadays, it is especially beneficial for the elderly who have been recommended to stay inside their homes due to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“Having an adequate amount of Vitamin D is necessary throughout our lives, for bone and muscle health and to help strengthen our immune system.”
The milk was launched yesterday, and is currently available in all leading supermarkets.
Its recommended retail price is €1.05 per litre carton.
Due to the sheer amount of interest in the new product, Benna even published a FAQ all about the new milk and how Vitamin D was a beneficial addition.