Government Lawyer’s Claims About Matthew Caruana Galizia ‘Out Of Line And Condemnable’, Prime Minister Says

Claims by a government lawyer on Saturday that Matthew Caruana Galizia was partly responsible for his own mother’s killing have been condemned by Prime Minister Robert Abela.
In comments to the Times of Malta, a spokesperson for Abela’s office described the comments as “incongruous, out of line and condemnable”.
Speaking during Andrew Azzopardi’s 103FM radio show on Saturday, Anthony DeGiovanni, an in-house government lawyer, claimed that Matthew Caruana Galizia was partly to blame for his mother Daphne’s murder because he had parked their car outside the family’s property the night before she was killed.
“We all make mistakes and Matthew Caruana Galizia made a huge mistake that contributed to his mother’s murder,” Anthony DeGiovanni said. “Didn’t he leave the car parked outside [on the night before the murder?” DeGiovanni claimed.
The comments have elicited widespread condemnation, including from Flutura Kusari – legal advisor of the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom – who urged the Prime Minister to publicly ask his supporters to stop intimidating the late journalist’s family.
The spokesperson for the Prime Minister said the comments definitely “did not represent the government or the Labour Party’s position on the matter”.
“Statements such as this need to stop immediately, more so when the government is intent on working along the lines of the public inquiry, which emphasised the need for reconciliation. The Prime Minister is determined to keep working towards this aim.”
Matthew Caruana Galizia recently said that people who try to blame his mother’s murder on himself and his family do so to assuage their own guilty conscience.
“I think in many cases, they say these things because they feel guilty and a way to feel less guilty is to blame someone else,” he said on Jon Mallia’s podcast Il-Podcast ta’ Jon. “So they look for any explanation, no matter how ridiculous, like asking why the dog didn’t bark.”
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