Labour Media In Fake News Fiasco After Claiming Anonymous Inmate Criticising Malta’s Prison Was Alleged Drug Trafficker

The Labour Party’s ONE News’ story claiming that suspected drug trafficker Jordan Azzopardi was behind anonymous claims over the situation at Malta’s Prison on NET News has been rubbished by the man in question.
Sources close to Azzopardi have vociferously denied the claim. Azzopardi has since described the incident as a “nonsensical attack” in comments to the Times of Malta.
“I’ve never spoken to journalists in my life,” Azzopardi said. “You’re the first. I never spoke to anyone about prison or any other subject. I was about to eat and lost all my appetite with anger on how I was targeted.”
The incident erupted after a Net News bulletin carried a story with an anonymous inmate at Corradino Correctional Facility, where he described a culture of terror inside the prison’s walls.
“If you get in trouble with Colonel Alex Dalli [the CCF Director] you’re done,” the person said.
He even claimed that Dalli had once told a foreign inmate that he will die in the prison’s walls before being extradited.
During the bulletin, Net said that it will be running the full interview this Sunday.
Earlier today, One News claimed that it was Azzopardi who was the anonymous person, in a move sources described as a concerted attempt to discredit the claims.
Azzopardi was recently released on bail on drug trafficking charges. His lawyers are Joe Giglio and Franco Debono.
Malta’s prison has been under the microscope in recent weeks following the deaths of several inmates, many of whom committed suicide. An inquiry into the prison’s operations has been launched.
What do you think of the incident?