Labour Party Wants Full Legalisation Of Cannabis In Malta

Malta’s Labour Party supports the full legalisation of cannabis for personal use.
The Labour Party’s English-language portal, The Journal, announced that the party’s official reaction to the government’s Cannabis White Paper will advocate full legalisation rather than decriminalisation.
Its official position, which will call for a legal framework on how cannabis plants and seeds can be bought from licensed vendors, will be announced tomorrow.
The Labour Party’s position will also refer to regulations surrounding the consumption of cannabis in public spaces. It will call for the formation of designated areas, like social clubs, where cannabis can be consumed.
The cannabis White Paper, presented by Prime Minister Robert Abela last month, will allow people to grow up to four cannabis plants, decriminalize possession of up to 7g and stop these users from getting arrested, and set up a new cannabis authority.
It is also expected to establish a place where people will be able to legally purchase cannabis, although the government is awaiting the outcome of the ongoing public consultation process before pronouncing itself in this regard.
The proposal has been criticised from both sides of the divide, with proponents arguing that it does not go far enough, and critics insisting it could be a pandora’s box.
The consultation process ends on 11th May and submissions can be sent to [email protected].
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