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Jason Micallef Comes To Daniel Attard’s Defence, Calls Comments On Muscat ‘Pure Evil’

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Jason Micallef, Chairman of the Valletta Cultural Agency and Joseph Muscat’s staunch supporter, is coming out in PL MEP candidate Daniel Attard’s defence after PN MP Alex Borg alleged that he is “using Joseph Muscat’s father’s demise for political gain”.

Yesterday, Attard posted a social media statement saying, “The vileness I witnessed tonight in the face of Joseph Muscat after his father passed fuels my desire to work towards ensuring that those who are cruel never set foot in Castille again.”

This post was met with a lot of criticism, particularly from individuals from the Opposition camp, who accused Attard of using Muscat’s father’s death for “political gain”.

Jason Micallef, who has described Joseph Muscat as “a brother” and has been seen by the former PM’s side when he was formally charged in court in relation to the Vitals concession, has decided to come to Daniel Attard’s defence.

Micallef reached out to Lovin Malta to say that he sees “nothing wrong with Daniel’s comment”.

“He was simply referring to some nasty comments from PN followers, including comments from Daphne Caruana Galizia’s sister Mandy Mallia, just hours after Muscat’s father’s demise.”

Yesterday, Mallia shared a statement to social media saying, “One does not need to stop calling Joseph Muscat out – nor stop discussing him or the fact that he is facing serious criminal charges – simply because his father has died.”

“At the end of the day, Muscat Jr is a disgraced prime minister currently facing serious criminal charges (mostly stemming from his term as prime minister, at that); it is normal to discuss him and his ‘alleged’ actions or lack thereof. The only reason anyone may know of his late father’s existence is because of said son’s notoriety.”

Later on, Mallia quoted a previous article penned by her sister, where she had said, “There is no such thing as freedom to mourn in peace, just as there is no such thing as freedom to live in peace when your mother is Margaret Thatcher or your father Dom Mintoff. It comes with the territory.”

“What she wrote yesterday was disgusting, insensitive and cruel,” Micallef said, adding that “she even kept on going this morning”.

He went on to say that these “behaviours and actions are pure evil”.

In a comment to Lovin Malta, Mallia said, “I have not seen Daniel Attard’s post, so have no idea what it is about. Given the fact that a public figure who chose to mock an assassinated journalist’s last published words in his infamous St Patrick’s Day post has chosen to call what I wrote yesterday ‘insensitive’ and ‘disgusting’, I can only assume that he is referring to my post discussing the alleged crimes of a former prime minister. I stand by what I wrote therein.”

The Valletta Cultural Agency Chairman also referred to a post which has been circulating online, where an individual wrote, “I don’t want to get into any polemics, but you were the one who killed your father, Joseph. You killed him with worry.”

The comment was deleted from social media some time later, but it had already gained traction.

Muscat’s father had been fighting an aggressive tutor for two and a half years and succumbed to the illness yesterday.

What do you make of this?

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Clara is a massive foodie who recently graduated from the University of Malta as a lawyer. Her biggest passions in life are the performing arts, which she pursues professionally when she’s not too busy writing.

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