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Jason Micallef: Malta’s National Anthem Should Be Ray Mahoney’s Rock Opera Hit Tema 79

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Veteran PL activist Jason Micallef has suggested that the time has come to change Malta’s national anthem.

After attending Ray Mahoney’s funeral on Friday, Micallef felt that one of his iconic songs, from rock opera Gensna, Tema 79’, should replace Dun Karm’s L-Innu Malti as the islands’ anthem.

“In full respect to the “L-Innu Malti” by Dun Karm Psaila, which is a masterpiece, the song Tema 79, with words by Ray Mahoney and music by Paul Abela, should be the ‘new’ national anthem of our country,” he wrote on social media.

His suggestion is controversial, as the rock opera Gensna is often seen as a symbol of the Labour Party. Tema 79 is sung by Mary Spiteri. 

“The reaction of the people, whoever they are, whatever the occasion, is always, without exception, one of many emotions and a strong patriotic feeling, which can hardly be described,” he added.

“That’s why I consider Tema 79′ mystical because that’s what it actually is. Therefore I believe that Tema 79′ has all the virtues and the power of a national anthem”

“L-Innu Malti”, which translates to the Hymn of Malta, was written as a prayer to God by writer and priest Dun Karm Psaila, widely considered Malta’s national poet.

It was officially adopted when Malta obtained independence from the United Kingdom in 1964.

Do you think Malta should update its national anthem?

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Sam is a journalist, artist and writer based in Malta. Send her pictures of hands or need-to-know stories on politics or art on [email protected].

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