WATCH: Man Jumps Into Choppy Sliema Sea And Bravely Saves Chinese National In Rescue Operation

A rescue operation in Sliema today saw one man jump into a stormy sea to rescue another person in distress.
Police told Lovin Malta two people – one 37-year-old Libyan male and one 14-year-old Chinese male – were rescued today at around 7.15pm, near the Chalet area of Sliema.
Members of the Civil Protection Unit and District Police were called in to assist, but one man dived into the sea to grab one of the individuals in difficulty.
Holding on to a rope, the man held onto the Chinese national, while officers pulled them back in together, TVM reported. Once back on land, the assembled crowd started clapping in admiration at the man’s courage.
The man has been identified as Sliema resident Sean Meli.
The two people were given first aid and rushed to Mater Dei Hospital for further treatment. Their conditions are as yet unknown.
@lovinmaltaofficialTwo people were rescued near the Chalet at around 7:15pm 🙏 #fyp #fypmalta #malta #lovinmalta #sliema #news #hero #mediterranean #chalet♬ original sound – Lovin Malta
Cover inset: TVM
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