Manoel Island Gets 50,000 Visitors Over Summer Months
Manoel Island saw more than 50,000 visitors between July and September, data collected by MIDI shows.
Ever since access to the foreshore was opened 2018 following extensive demonstrations, Manoel Island’s foreshore has become such a popular swimming zone, with MIDI even facilitating access to the area by providing a free service for visitors during weekends and public holidays.
MIDI was first granted a 99-year concession by previous PN administrations (with the approval of the entire parliament) for the development of Manoel Island, where it has restored the historic fort, in 2000.
It is currently proposing a massive multi-use development composing of villas, apartments, commercial outlets, and some public spaces.
In September 2016, activists from the Kamp Emergenza Ambjent, joined by Borg Manche, cut through a fence and broke open a gate that was blocking public access to the foreshore at Manoel Island. the local council had also initiated legal proceedings against the MIDI consortium, saying that it was breaching its contract terms by barring public access to the foreshore.
Around a year and a half later, MIDI, together with the Gzira Local Council, signed a Guardianship Deed which establishes a non-profit foundation to look after the area.
As autumn settles, Manoel Island will continue to welcome visitors for walks.
Photo source: Mattew Benn
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