Matthew Caruana Galizia Is Partially To Blame For His Mother’s Murder, Government Lawyer Claims

A government in-house lawyer has claimed that Matthew Caruana Galizia has some blame to shoulder for the assassination of his mother, journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia.
“We all make mistakes and Matthew Caruana Galizia made a huge mistake that contributed to his mother’s murder,” Anthony DeGiovanni said during a current affairs debate on Andrew Azzopardi’s 103FM radio show. “Didn’t he leave the car parked outside [on the night before the murder]?”
One of the Malta government’s in-house lawyers – hired by his own daughter who is chair of a government agency – on public radio today blaming me for my mother’s assassination.
— Matthew Caruana Galizia (@mcaruanagalizia) November 27, 2021
PN journalist Dione Borg asked DeGiovanni whether he is alleging that Caruana Galizia left his mother’s car outside on purpose, and DeGiovanni clarified that he believes he “made a mistake like everyone does” and that he is the last one who should be speaking.
“The mistake was committed by the government you support, which the public inquiry found was complicit,” Borg retorted.
A former PL Fgura mayor, DeGiovanni recently drew eyebrows when he was employed as the junior lawyer of the Social Care Standards Authority (SCSA), which is chaired by his daughter – PL candidate Katya DeGiovanni.
TheShiftNews reported today that the government refused to grant whistleblower status to a former SCSA employee who had flagged DeGiovanni’s appointment as “abusive” and “nepotistic”.
Earlier this year, Vince Muscat – after pleading guilty to Caruana Galizia’s murder – testified that he and suspected hitmen George and Alfred Degiorgio had stalked the journalist for weeks before killing her.
Muscat said that the Degiorgios were at one point ready to place the bomb under Daphne Caruana Galizia’s car when it was parked outside the Phoenica Hotel, even if it meant killing others who were in the car with her. Muscat’s testimony clearly dismisses suggesting of there being any kind of relevance or significance to the location Caruana Galizia’s car was parked.
Matthew Caruana Galizia recently said that people who try to blame his mother’s murder on himself and his family do so to assuage their own guilty consciences.
“I think in many cases, they say these things because they feel guilty and a way to feel less guilty is to blame someone else,” he said on Jon Mallia’s podcast Il-Podcast ta’ Jon. “So they look for any explanation, no matter how ridiculous, like asking why the dog didn’t bark.”
Following DeGiovanni’s latest comment, Flutura Kusari – legal advisor of the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom – urged Prime Minister Robert Abela to publicly ask his supporters to stop intimidating the late journalist’s family.
This shocking narrative created by the Labour Party supporters that @mcaruanagalizia contributed to his mother’s assassination is toxic and very dangerous. Please watch this video.
— Flutura Kusari (@fluturakusari) November 27, 2021
“Why is it so difficult for Robert Abela to publicly ask his supporters to stop intimidating Daphne’s family?” she asked. “A good way to show support for the family would be to visit the site where Malta’s best investigative journalist was assassinated.”
PN MPs Jason Azzopardi and Therese Comodini Cachia went on to warn that it would be puerile of the President of the Republic to speak of national unity until Abela takes a clear stance against such attempts to blame Matthew Caruana Galizia for his mother’s murder.
Do you think Robert Abela should publicly condemn these allegations?