‘What About The Rights Of Boys?’: Mother Points Out Sexist Double Standards In Gozitan School

A mother that called out a Gozitan school for allegedly discriminating against her son has pointed out the double standards on display following backlash to her comments.
“The school states that no piercings are allowed by any pupil, yet they let girls and not boys. All we hear about is equal rights for women, gays, genderless persons, ethnic minorities, the list goes on and on,” the mother said. “So what about the rights of the boys?
Her 12-year-old son had reportedly been told by his teacher that he needed to remove his ear studs as he wasn’t a girl.
His mother said that the experience made him question his gender.
She’s since made an official complaint with the school and reached out to Education Minister Evarist Bartolo.
Pointing out that, on paper, the school’s policy bans all students from wearing body jewellery, she wanted to drive home the simple point that allowing girl students to break this rule was sexist discrimination.
“Why are boys discriminated against? Did the school provide a valid reason?…No. Did the school help and assist in the matter? …No. Do earrings on boys affect their ability to learn? …No.”
“This is about equal rights for all pupils, not just one sex,” she continued. “Could you imagine if it was the other way round and the girls were not allowed and the boys were?”