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‘With Us Forever With No Pain’: Jake Vella’s Parents Bring Him Back Home After Cremation

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Jake Vella, the inspirational 15-year-old boy who recently passed away, has returned back home after being cremated.
“Finally, Jake is with us forever with no pain,” his parents Josie and Maruska said moments ago, sharing a photo of them with his funerary urn.
A celebration for the teenage boy – who had been living with one of the rarest medical conditions ever – was held last Saturday at the Birżebbuġa Parish Church. Hundreds attended the moving ceremony, which was also attended by high-profile mourners including Prime Minister Robert Abela and Archbishop Charles Scicluna.


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Days later, buses bearing the little boy’s photo drove down the streets of Malta in one of the many touching tributes to Jake and his legacy.
Jake’s white coffin – which bore his last grateful words to his parents – also had a photo of the family dog Maya, who his parents said would “soon smell him at home”.
Josie and Maruska ended their post by reminding everyone that donations for the abandoned animals – which is a cause Jake held very close to his heart – were still open and would be accepted until Monday evening.
Rest In Peace back home, Jake, and thanks for inspiring the nation for generations to come.

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Lovin Malta's Head of Content, Dave has been in journalism for the better half of the last decade. Prefers Instagram, but has been known to doomscroll on TikTok. Loves chicken, women's clothes and Kanye West (most of the time).

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