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Joseph Muscat Denies Asking Renowned Author Frans Sammut To Be Part Of Blog Against Daphne Caruana Galiziza

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Former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has denied a stunning claim in court by the son of the late novelist Frans Sammut that he had asked his father to be part of a blog attacking Daphne Caruana Galizia.

“I will refrain from entering into controversies with Mr Sammut, on the contents of what he said and the reason for his actions, out of the respect I had and still have for his father, who I always considered a friend,” Muscat told Lovin Malta. “I will simply say that what he said is incorrect.”

Frans Sammut’s son Mark Sammut, himself an author, yesterday told the public inquiry looking into the assassination of Caruana Galizia that Muscat had approached his father to contribute to a blog intended to put the journalist in a bad light.

Author Mark Sammut, son of the late Frans Sammu

Author Mark Sammut, son of the late Frans Sammu

Sammut, author of Il-Gaġġa and Samuraj, died in 2011, two years before Muscat became Prime Minister, so any offer must have been made when he was still Opposition leader. 

Mark Sammut said his father had brought up Muscat’s offer during a casual conversation around the kitchen table some years ago. He said that his father “wasn’t sympathetic” towards Caruana Galizia but that he rejected the proposal because it went against his own morals.

His son said he didn’t think much of his father’s words back then, but was reminded of them several years later after reading how Muscat had told the public inquiry that he never instigated hatred against Caruana Galizia.  

“When I read this my memory was triggered,” Sammut said, adding that he felt he had a moral legacy towards his father to inform the inquiry board.

Following Muscat’s denial, Sammut reiterated his version of events, telling Lovin Malta there’s no reason why his father would have lied so many years ago or why he would lie today.

“Why would I lie today? To get all the flak I’m getting from diehard Labourites who can’t stomach the fact that it’s second nature for Joseph Muscat to be frugal with the truth?”
“I stand by what I said. Joseph Muscat asked my father to be part of a blog meant to denigrate Daphne Caruana Galizia and my father said no. That’s the truth as I know it, I declared this on oath in court, and I repeat it here. Muscat is simply lying.”

What do you make of Joseph Muscat’s denial? 

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Tim is interested in the rapid evolution of human society and is passionate about justice, human rights and cutting-edge political debates. You can follow him on Instagram or Twitter/X at @timdiacono or reach out to him at [email protected]

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