Labour Youths Send Bernard Grech Copy Of Cannabis White Paper After PN Leader Claims It Was ‘Never Published’
Labour’s youth wing Zgħażagħ Laburisti has teased Bernard Grech by sending him a copy of the cannabis white paper after the Opposition Leader claimed during an interview “no white paper was ever published”.
“As a political branch which proposed ideas on the topic [of cannabis reform], we were very disappointed when we heard your assertive claim that appears you didn’t even know a white paper was published last March for public consultation,” Zgħażagħ Laburisti said in a letter to Grech.
“It could be that you forgot about it, but we remind you that you had blamed your survey results on this discussion, giving the impression that youths only care about cannabis.”
“However, we are interested in seeing everyone contribute to this discussion, and the government has already stated that the legislative process will commence once Parliament reconvenes.”
“We are therefore sending you this public consultation document to make sure it has reached you and that you can read it.”
In a clear dig at the PN’s latest campaign video, Zgħażagħ Laburisti concluded by telling Grech to ignore their letter if he’s going to enter the discussion with a heavy heart.
A spokesperson for the PN told Lovin Malta today that Grech’s strange statement was meant to imply that the white paper wasn’t worth the paper it’s written on.
Specifically, he questioned how the Prime Minister has pledged to provide people with legal avenues from which to buy cannabis when the white paper itself states Malta cannot legalise the plant by virtue of three international treaties it had signed decades ago.
Cover photo: Left: Opposition leader Bernard Grech, Right: Zgħażagħ Laburisti president Georvin Bugeja
Should Malta legalise cannabis for personal use?