Over €1.5 Million In Undeclared Cash Has Been Seized Passing Through Malta’s Airport So Far In 2019
Malta International Airport has confiscated over €1.5 million over the past 12 months, with the latest find uncovering a whopping €45,185.
A total of €1,526,016 has been found hidden amongst passengers either arriving or leaving Malta through the airport.
Just last Tuesday, as a flight was due to leave for Istanbul, customs officials searching a man found the amount of over €45,000.
2019 has been a record-breaking year for MIA Customs officials who, in May alone, discovered a total of €280,000.
Earlier this year, new legislation came into effect that allows passengers the right to forfeit undeclared cash (up to €10,000) to avoid appearing in court and risking a hefty fine.
If passengers are found carrying undeclared cash that amounts to under €20,000, they can also agree to an out-of-court settlement with the Customs Department, also avoiding court.
In June of this year, officials discovered a staggering quarter of a million just for that month.
Passengers carrying any amount of money, in cash or cheques, equivalent to €10,000 are obliged to declare them to Customs as per National Legislation which is in line with the European Regulation.
The case has since, like many others, been handed over to the Economic Crimes Unit for further investigation.