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Palestinian Ambassador Calls For Maltese Government To Assist In Medical Supply Donations To Gaza Hospitals

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Ambassador of the State of Palestine to Malta Fadi Hanania is calling for the Maltese government to assist in the donations of medical supplies to hospitals in Gaza.

“Ambassador Hanania has requested the Maltese government to assist in donating medicine and medical supplies to the hospitals in Gaza.”

The embassy further informed Lovin Malta that it is important that citizens who want to donate do so through the Palestinian Embassy. That way, it can be ensured that the supplies go through the proper channels and end up in the hands of the Palestinian people.

“As we truly appreciate your kind will and initiative to stand with our families in our beloved Gaza, we would like to inform you that donations including medical supplies, food, and medicine should be carried out only through the Embassy as we channel the donations through the international organizations,” a statement by the embassy reads. 

Here, the embassy was specifically talking about the Red Cross and the Crescent which are the “only channels” that will deliver donations to Gaza.

This statement was sparked after officials heard that some people were collecting donations on behalf of the Palestinian people without consulting the embassy.

Additionally, the spokesperson explained that the embassy would prefer to collect money and use that to purchase humanitarian supplies from Egypt in order to avoid the high resource cost that would be involved in transporting such items from Malta.

“We are facilitating the donations to be sent as we prefer to purchase them from Egypt and send them to Gaza rather than collecting them here and spending money on logistics.”

Moreover, a demonstration was organised by Youth for Palestine this Saturday.

If you are interested in donating aid to Gaza, contact the embassy at 27801200 or 99922000.

Have you donated money for humanitarian supplies to Gaza?

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Ana is a university graduate who loves a heated debate, she’s very passionate about humanitarian issues and justice. In her free time you’ll probably catch her binge watching way too many TV shows or thinking about her next meal.

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