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Paola Green Wall That Cost Taxpayers €30,000 Left To Die

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Remember in 2020 when Paola got some new greenery with a new vertical wall? Well, less than three years and over €30,000 later… it died, and will be taken down.

All the plants have since dried up, and the green walls adorning the facade of Malta’s prison will be removed.

This was confirmed after PN Deputy Carmelo Mifsud asked Local Councils Minister Owen Bonnici a parliamentary question.

Bonnici explained that Paola’s local council, which was in charge of its maintenance, had taken the decision to remove it.

Ambjent Malta has forked out a hefty €1.2 million on green walls, around the island. The vertical garden in Marsa alone cost nearly half a million (€478,858.10).

Despite the scarcity of trees in Malta, trees continue to be cut down, with officials citing “invasiveness” as a reason to cut down 30 trees this May.

Are vertical gardens worth it?

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Sam is a journalist, artist and writer based in Malta. Send her pictures of hands or need-to-know stories on politics or art on [email protected].

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