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PL Retains Its Huge Electoral Majority But PN Sees Some Hope As Gap Shrinks 

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With a general election on the doorstep, two surveys today have confirmed that the ruling Labour Party still retains a huge majority over the Nationalist Party.

A MaltaToday survey placed the gap between PL and PN at 11.5 percentage points, almost identical to the results of the 2017 general election, when PL won by a record margin of votes.

A separate survey by statistician Vincent Marmara for It-Torċa placed the gap between them at 13.5 points.

The It-Torċ survey findings

The It-Torċ survey findings

However, the PN has reason to glean some positives from the surveys.

The gap forecast by MaltaToday means it has gained 3.4 points since the newspaper’s January survey.  It is also the lowest gap between the parties witnessed in the paper’s monthly surveys since April 2021, when it stood at 6.2 points.

The trust rating gap between Prime Minister Robert Abela and Opposition leader Bernard Grech has also shrunk to 14.8 percentage points, again the lowest it’s been since April 2021, when it stood at 11.8%.

The MaltaToday survey findings

The MaltaToday survey findings

Meanwhile, the gap forecast by the It-Torċa survey is 1.4 points lower than it was since the paper’s last survey in November 2021.

It-Torċa’s trust rating gap between Abela and Grech stands at 23.7 points, a decline of 1.8 points since the November survey.

Who do you intend to vote for at the general election? 

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Tim is interested in the rapid evolution of human society and is passionate about justice, human rights and cutting-edge political debates. You can follow him on Instagram or Twitter/X at @timdiacono or reach out to him at [email protected]

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