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PN Calls For Byron Camilleri’s Resignation Following Prison Inquiry Publication 

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The Nationalist Party has called on Prime Minister Robert Abela to sack Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri following the conclusion of an inquiry into the manner in which the Corradino prison is being run. 

During a press conference this morning, the minister said the board of inquiry had made 32 recommendations on improving the country’s prison system. All of the recommendations, the minister said, would be taken on board by the government and implemented in the coming months. 

The minister also confirmed that former director Alex Dalli would not be reinstated, with acting director Robert Brincau taking on the role permanently. 

“The inquiry report conclusions confirm the sorry situation at the Corradino Correctional Facility,” Home Affairs spokesperson Beppe Fenech Adami said. 

He said that Camilleri had defended the system that “led to record deaths” for years, insisting that the report was confirmation of what the PN had been saying “for so long”. 

“Camilleri is politically responsible for these failures and the only way forward is for him to apologise for covering up the abuse,” he said. 

The full inquiry report was published this afternoon, after the PN’s statement.

Fenech Adami also claimed that the report showed that no significant investment had been made in the prison, despite there being a desperate need for it. 

During this morning’s press conference, Camilleri quoted extensively from an NAO report into the prison, which, he stressed, had noted the significant improvement made in recent years. 

The report spoke of an increased sense of order that was now prevalent at the facility. 

According to figures tabled in Parliament last week, while the number of prison deaths had increased in recent years, so too had the facility’s population. 

There were 14 prison deaths over the course of Dalli’s tenure in charge of the prison. 

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Yannick joined Lovin Malta in March 2021 having started out in journalism in 2016. He is passionate about politics and the way our society is governed, and anything to do with numbers and graphs. He likes dogs more than he does people.

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