Police Still Investigating Unprovoked Gang Attack On Maltese Minors In Merchant’s Street, Valletta
Police are still investigating an unprovoked assault on a group of teenagers in Valletta over the weekend that sent shockwaves among Maltese parents.
“Please note that police investigations are still ongoing, hence at this stage it wouldn’t be prudent to divulge further information,” a police spokesperson told Lovin Malta on Monday.
The assault, which happened on Saturday night at 10pm in busy Merchant’s Street, saw a “gang of thugs” target a group of minors between the ages of 14 and 17. At least four boys were attacked, with one boy left with a broken leg and grievous injuries, and in need of surgery.
The three other boys were all taken to a local health centre for further check ups.
Parents of the assaulted children were livid after the attack.
“It’s terrifying – we are living in country where children can’t go out anywhere,” one mother told Lovin Malta.
“One was assaulted and kicked in the head, another boy who had the fractures was bleeding and couldn’t get up,” she continued.
“In my eyes, Valletta should be safe for teenagers to go out eating for a couple of hours and then get picked up and go home,” the mother said. “They weren’t drinking or doing anything, and some parents were nearby and on site… but we are all shocked at what happened now.”
With parents lamenting how one boy will now be left with a scar on his leg for life due to the attack, the feeling is clear: “I can’t let my daughter or son go out… who knows who is going to attack them next.”
They urged Maltese authorities to “make sure the criminals are incriminated” and that the victims “aren’t further victimised”.
Following the attack, many people commented online about these gangs long being a feature of Malta’s capital city, though they had seemed to disappear in recent years. However, they seem to be back and targeting innocent teenagers once again.
Have you ever experienced taunting and attacks while walking through Valletta?