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Power Cuts Cost Malta €200 Million, Nationalist Party’s Calculations Reveal

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Malta’s recent power outages cost the island €200 million so far, the PN said.

“The power outage has cost our country €200 million so far. This is a huge blow on the Maltese economy and on businesses, both small and even large,” they said in a press conference today.

Energy Spokesperson Mark Anthony Sammut, by the Tourism Spokesperson and Finance Spokesperson Jerome Caruana Cilia addressed the conference, where they continued to explain the impact the power outage is having on workers and their families, in various sectors.

The speakers reiterated that in the face of this crisis, with blackouts for several hours a day, Prime Minister Robert Abela remained “cut off from reality”.

Hotels that do not have generators, as well as private tourist accommodations, are having major problems when the power goes out. On the other hand, many small enterprises had to stop operating.

“Faced with all this, the Nationalist Party reiterates that Miriam Dalli should take political responsibility for this crisis and resign. In addition, the Government should increase investment so that this crisis does not happen again.”

What do you make of this sum?

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Johnathan is an award-winning Maltese journalist interested in social justice, politics, minority issues, music and food. Follow him at @supreofficialmt on Instagram, and send him news, food and music stories at [email protected]

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