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Prime Minister Robert Abela And Mario de Marco Worked For Alleged Criminal And Drug Smuggler

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Prime Minister Robert Abela and PN MP Mario De Marco have both worked or continue to work as legal advisors to a man charged in connection to a kidnapping incident that shocked the nation.

Both Abela and de Marco have confirmed they provided legal services to Christian Borg, who was recently released on bail over a case that saw a man beaten and threatened by a group of six men, including Borg.

Borg and several of the men involved in the case are reportedly under investigation for drug smuggling and money laundering. He has previously written about his relationship with Abela on social media, including:

“One of my best legal advisers, good friend and now Prime Minister. Proud day.”

Abela confirmed with the Times of Malta that he once had a stake in a promise of sale agreement assigned to one of Borg’s companies. Meanwhile, de Marco said that he provided Borg with legal assistance on civil cases.

Still, questions have been raised over the property deal itself, which has been claimed to be a potential loophole to avoid tax. There are concerns that criminal groups can use the promise of sale agreements for illicit purposes and tax abuse.

The PN has so far issued a statement saying that many should be concerned that the Prime Minister could be involved in money laundering, even though this is unproven. Noticeably, however, there is little mention of de Marco in the PN’s statement, who was just referenced in the initial story. 

What do you think of their involvement with the suspected criminals?

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Julian is the former editor of Lovin Malta and has a particular interest in politics, the environment, social issues, and human interest stories.

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