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Russia, India and 17 Other Countries Added To Quarantine-Free Travel List 

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Russia, India and 17 other countries have been added to the red list of countries from which people can travel to Malta without requiring having to quarantine. 

The list was updated through a legal notice published yesterday, with the changes coming into force on Thursday. 

Bahrain, Gabon, Kuwait, Maldives, Bermuda, Mongolia, Russia, Rwanda, Cape Verde, Namibia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Myanmar, Malaysia, Tunisia, Morocco, Iraq, South Africa, Timor and India have all now been added to Malta’s red list, which means that travellers from these countries will not have to quarantine if they are in possession of a vaccine certificate.  

Malta currently recognises vaccine certificates issued by Malta, the EU, the UK, the UAE, the US, Serbia, Turkey, Gibraltar, Jersey and Guernsey, Qatar, Albania, Australia, Egypt, Lebanon and Canada. 

Malta recently relaxed its quarantine regulations to allow registered residents to self-isolate at home, after initially forcing all arrivals from “high-risk” countries to check-in to designated hotels.

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Yannick joined Lovin Malta in March 2021 having started out in journalism in 2016. He is passionate about politics and the way our society is governed, and anything to do with numbers and graphs.

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