Slavery, Apartheid And The Holocaust: 11 Bold Signs From Valletta’s ‘Freedom Rally’

Several hundreds of people gathered in Valletta this morning to stand up for their freedom – and their statements were bold.
From slavery and apartheid to the Nuremberg code and Stars of David appearing, protestors’ signs compared the current vaccination rollout to some of the biggest humanitarian disasters in history.
Chanting ‘no vaccines’ and ‘freedom’, many agreed that the COVID-19 situation, and the associated measures meant to contain the virus’ spread, is a matter of freedom and consent. They don’t agree with the government ‘forcing’ them to take the vaccine, and said they wanted to fight for their freedom.
Others didn’t want to speak to the media, because they felt they were being portrayed as “crazy”.
“We’re not all about 5G,” a woman said. “We know that’s bullshit. We want to be heard and treated fairly.”
Here are some of the boldest sign at today’s rally for freedom in Valletta.
1. “It appears to be mutating into a dictatorship” one sign reads, criticising the way the government is ‘forcing’ people to take the vaccine.

2. A woman speaking to a police officer holds a yellow sign saying “Malta government violates the Nuremberg Code” comparing the current vaccination rollout to the medical experiments conducted on human subjects by Nazi doctors in the Second World War.
The Nuremberg Code was created following Nazi human experimentation and mass murder under the guise of euthanasia. The code consists of a set of research ethics principles for human experimentation, the first one stating that “the voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential”.

3. “It’s not a vaccine, it’s gene therapy.”
Gene therapy is an experimental technique using genes to treat and prevent disease. The vaccines are indeed genetically based therapy, but are classified as vaccines rather than gene therapy.

4. Other signs were more nuanced, such as those with slogans borrowed from the pro-choice abortion movement.
“My body, my choice”, somebody’s sign reads. “I respect your choice, kindly respect mine”.

5. Some went as far as calling the COVID-19 strategies ‘medical apartheid’, like this woman wearing a yellow star similar to those forced upon Jews in the Second World War.
The text refers to the institutionalised racial segregation that ruled South Africa for decades, separating society into ‘white’ and ‘black’ areas.

6. This woman decided to rock up to the protest wearing a mask, which makes her presence less convincing in itself, but also didn’t manage to learn in one and half year of COVID-19 that the thing is supposed to go over your nose, too.
Wearing yellow stars on their clothes, the couples identified themselves with the Jews in the Second World War.

7. Besides apartheid and the Holocaust, another protestor calls the vaccine passports that allow those that are vaccinated to travel freely ‘slavery for life’.

8. This man’s sign reads “the single deadliest mass vaccination in modern history”.

9. Another witty protestor holds a yellow sign, asking: “What was the most washed in 2020-2021? Hands or brains?”
The sign implies that those following the rules and taking the vaccine were brainwashed.

10. “In natural immunity we trust,” reads another protestor’s sign. “No more blackmail.”
“My body, my responsibility” says the sign next to it.

11. And the largest sign at the protest tells us that the demonstrators are truly fighting for those that are less woke.
“Until you wake up, I will fight for you.”

BONUS: To end the protest on a chill note, there’s this guy with a sign calling for people to partake in “joints, not jabs”.

Were you at the protest today? What do you make of the protestors’ bold signs?