So Many People Fell For This Free Cake Scam That Maypole Had To Post About it

One of Malta’s leading stores has taken to social media to let people know they aren’t asking for credit card details as part of a free cake competition.
Maypole have been celebrating World Cake Day with competitions running through the week – but a fake account posing as Maypole has apparently been messaging individuals and asking them for their personal details as part of a fake cake competition.
“Scam alert,” Maypole said. “Kindly note that we have been informed about a fake profile impersonating Maypole. The impostor is asking Facebook users for their visa details in order to win a cake.”
“This is not us. The fake profile has been reported.”
Apparently, the fake profile had been trying to add people to get them to get involved in the scam.
“I got 20 friend requests from this fake profile,” one customer said, while another noted that she “found it very weird that he or she asked for card details just because I won a cake”.
Most people said they instantly ignored the scam – but if you get any strange messages asking for your bank details in return for a chance at winning a Maypole cake, you’ll be better off ignoring and reporting.