Three More Cannabis Association Licenses Approved In Malta As First Harm Reduction Training Sessions Held

Three more licences to Cannabis Harm Reduction Associations were issued over the last few weeks, bringing the total up to five.
The three new associations are named: Sprawt, Northern Lights, and NEGE.
They join KDD Society and Ta’ Zelli, the first two associations to be approved.
The Authority reminds prospective members that only associations listed on its website may cultivate and distribute cannabis to their members. Membership is limited to residents of Malta aged 18+; a copy of the ID card must be provided to the association as proof of both requirements.
ARUC has also organised the first harm reduction training for licensed and in-principle Cannabis Harm Reduction Associations (CHRAs).
The training included the participation of keynote speakers and provided participants with a comprehensive overview of harm reduction practices, and of the role of CHRAs in promoting the responsible use of cannabis. The two-day program also delved into key matters related to the operational and day-to-day running of an association and the role of data gathering for research purposes.
The keynote speakers addressed the historical and core operational aspects of a harm and risk reduction approach and highlighted the intricate relationship between public health and the regulation of cannabis for non-medical use. Furthermore, speakers underlined the importance of recognising that different social groups of cannabis users require different tools and attention.
Will you be signing up to a cannabis association when they open to the public in Malta?